Many people talk about past life. Some belief in i9t, some do not. Many claim to take others in past lives, but most of such people do so by hypnotizing or by putting people in trans. This book contains scientific facts about past life and ways to get in touch with our past without hypnosis or trans. The scientific explanation about past life from this book can let you KNOW about past life and so there will be no need to BELIEVE or DISBELIEVE. There is no space for any BELIEF, FAITH, or ILLUSION. We just learn how to search scientifically in our own memories by using the techniques given here. Yet, to see past life for the first time, the presence of an expert is recommended. By using this technique, one can find out a numb er of stumbling blocks in life and handle them. As a result, many obstructions in one’s success can vanish like magic and one may start feeling that life has become a bed of roses! Yet, to read this, it is certainly not necessary to have any problems in life. It is also not necessary to believe in reincarnation or so when one chooses to read this. A simple curiosity into our own mind functions is also enough to let us have perfect insight into the depths of our mind where the hidden past memories stay.
Word Wise: Enabled
Print length: 149 pages
Publication date: March 19, 2012
Publisher: Intentional Healing Foundation; 1st edition (March 19, 2012)
File size: 4157 KB
Enhanced typesetting: Enabled
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Language: English
Lending: Enabled
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